Maktub Short Film Series
Maktub – is India’s first poetic short film series, which is carved out of characters who communicate in the form of poems (shayari) instead of the routine dialogue . Maktub Chapter 2 on YouTube channel My City My Angle. It is a sequel of Maktub it is written. Maktub got Official selection in 8th Kolkata Shorts International Film Festival-19. Special mention in 8th Kolkata Shorts International Film Festival-19. Official selection in 8th Delhi Shorts International Filmfest-19. Special mention in 8th Delhi Shorts International Filmfest-19 The Kolkata city is the hub of Bengali Cinema, a culturally rich & destination of many budding filmmakers since past century. The festival objective is to give momentum to the short cinema & to foster the growth of new breed of filmmakers. 8th Delhi Shorts International Film Festival-2019 is meant to grow many folds. The inaugural year 2012 was a big success followed by super successful previous editions & enjoys the ...